Saturday, February 26, 2011

Made it to Miami!

The group made it to Miami safely. Jennifer's flight was late getting in, but thankfully she arrived safely. As of 7:15 am this morning, they were all back at the airport (after a very short night) and just getting ready to board the flight to Port-au-Prince (PAP).

It should be a very eventful day as they plan to take a bus to Bonne Fin where the hospital is located. This should be about a six hour drive, but we all know how things can go in Haiti. They plan to do a brief tour of the earthquake destruction in PAP on their way out of the city. Hopefully they will be able to post some pictures once they get there.

Please pray that they have a safe flight, can make their connections easily with the right people once they get to PAP, and that they have an uneventful drive to the hospital.

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