Sunday, February 27, 2011


We got up for a (Whoa! Just saw a fat mouse? run past my feet! I guess it could have been a HUGE cock roach. What ever it was, it was 3" long dark and fast.) 7:20 breakfast and then walked 5 minutes down the mountain to a MEBSH church with Sheila (Dr Ruben walked down with us & took some good photos then he, Dr Noah, Max & Jennifer spent the morning at the hospital helping another Dr and seeing patients). Fortunately Dr Rudolph sat behind us and interpreted the services for us. The visiting pastor spoke about keeping harmful viruses out of the church like negligence, laziness (and begging from others) and not forgiving one another. It had a good message. They introduced each of us and asked us to sing a song, so we sang a couple verses of "How Great Thou Art". The second vs seemed very fitting being in the mountains and feeling the gentle breeze. The weather is beautiful. There was a little 3? yr old girl sitting right in front of me who kept playing peak-a-boo whenever she could get my attention.

After lunch we went down to the coast for the afternoon (with Dr Rudolph). The scenery was gorgeous and temp perfect! The girls were quite popular playing with the little kids. Max and I even got a little soccer-on-the-beach time in. Boy did those boys wear me out! (Unfortunately, Satan parked beside us with a party of young people.) How bold! Eventually they left and we were able to enjoy a meal seaside with fresh fish, chicken, fried plantain, white rice and cola. Then we walked the coast a bit, took some photos beside an old abandoned fishing boat (maybe it wasn't?) and headed back to the guest house. This evening the team did a little inventory, sorting, and some more rounds in preparation for tomorrow. I was trying to email and blog a little in the ER when Dr Ruben and I heard quite a commotion around the corner. I wasn't paying any attention at first, but the voices kept escalating with more people so I finally got up to check it out. There were about 20 people gathered with maybe 6 shouting at each other and pushing each other around, so Dr Ruben and I tried to break it up a little and calm the ruckus (it is suppose to be a hospital ER after all, with maybe 10 patients resting in rooms. The security guard was even in the middle of the pack. We tried to tell them to take their arguing outside to no avail. Finally I went and got Sheila in another building and shortly after that Dr Rudolph showed up and walked in. It ended up being a domestic dispute with several family members not agreeing on what was going on with their mother or something like that and the town mayor was one of the guys that happened to be there visiting! Oops, we didn't know we were trying to push the mayor out the door! We'll just say he wasn't acting like one :-) They seemed to get things settled down after an hour or so. I have to ask more details tomorrow.

Well, better go for now, 5 of the team came looking for me in the ER since I wasn't back yet, hoping I was still ok.

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