Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Critical Patient Update

Please note the update I received from Sheila today. It's only been 5 days since we left, but it's still great news!

Greetings Mike,
Thankful you arrived home without a hitch. Just a little update on the
hospital patients. The twins are doing fine. Getting a little darker and
content with being held by grandparents. Baby David is also learning to
nurse his mother sleeping contently otherwise. His mother is doing better
she smiled when I told her she had a fine boy baby. Not sure about the
trauma patients. I think they are doing as well as hoped for.

Still working on the hydro and the reservoir....began cleaning it yesterday.
Brother John Ruefner on the next team is and electrical engineer. Guess I
will hold his passport until he has all of the problems figured out :).

So thankful for your team. It was such a blessing for me.

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