Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday Morning (again)

I only have a few minutes, but I'm going to try to write a short note.

By the way, (quick power update) we lost water and power yesterday evening, two different issues non related. So we had a wonderful "fireside" visit with flashlights in the living room! More on that later. We did get water back this morning around 7:45 and soon after that Sheila, a Haitian interpreter and myself went to the reservoir to figure out the hydro electric power issue. We found the problem and restored power. More on that later also. We are currently back in business as "Haitian" usual :-)

Ok, seems like 2 weeks ago since yesterday. After breakfast we joined Dr Rudolph, the local pastor and the hospital staff for a little singing and short bible devotion time before hitting the rounds again around 8:00.

I changed a few light bulbs and sorted some supplies for Sheila. Then my sister-in-law, Joan, stopped by for a short visit to bring another missionary, their neighbor in Cayes, to have her foot looked at. It was good to see them. Joan had to be back to Cayes by noon to pick up her youngest daughter, Faith from school. Soon after she left, by brother Tim stopped by with a large construction team from Peoria and had lunch with us. Sheila also gave them a hospital tour (her second team of the day). It was a pleasant surprise for the midwest girls, because some of them knew several on the construction team. It was also great for me to see 3 of my nieces, Sarah, Bethany and Richelle (Richelle just arrived for a 2 week visit). What a blessing to sing a few songs after lunch with 30+ people. We even sang happy birthday to Amy F! She was a bit surprised and appreciative. (We surprised her again with a home-made Haitian decorated birthday cake in the evening after supper!!!)

more to come...

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