Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Morning

We were up early enough to finish packing, loading and on the road by 5:10. We didn't lose any luggage so Noah did a great job packing the top of the truck. Traveling early morning is a difficult time of day. There are lots of people and donkeys on the road and dark skin is hard to see in the dark; common sense. But Sheila did a great job getting us there safely and on time-Thanks Sheila! We briefly stopped by the MEBESH compound on the way to the Les Cayes airport. Fortunately we were the first ones to the "terminal", took a few group photos with our Haitian photographer (hopefully everyone is in the photo) and then checked in. Sheila and I waved the plane off - ON TIME! Hope everyone has a safe journey today. I'll be anxious to hear travel updates.

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