Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday (cont.)

Everyone reported to their medical places. The update on the 36 yr old mother is questionable. Reuben just walked in and so we went to see her. Not sure if she's septic, destroyed liver (from delivery) or what and it's frustrating to the doctors that the equipment and supplies can't allow them to do what they want. The next few days will determine if she survives and if she does, whether she will have a sound mind. She does open her eyes sometimes, sleeps a lot, but her husband says that she recognizes him and her vitals are ok, so that's good. The father hasn't left her side. He looks like a hard-working responsible individual with a very concerned look in his eyes. He said they came from another clinic in Baraderes up on the coast where they went to first and then by ambulance here. The ride is a very difficult 2+ hr trip over large rock. No wonder the baby made it out :-( The girls named the cute little boy David. They wanted a "courageous" name. Many of us have shed a few tears down that wing of the hospital. I had a 10 minute conversation with the father through an interpreter. He said if his wife lives, he thanks God first and certainly the doctors.

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