Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday afternoon

The last couple blogs are going to be mostly myself since I'm the only one left down here. From the airport, Sheila and I came back to my brother's. I arrived in time to get in on breakfast and then I took a 3 hr nap on the couch with the kids playing beside me. At least that made my 3 hr night a 6 hr one. Then I helped my brother install a water line and medicine cabinet for the new 3 bdrm apartment. They had a few over for the evening meal.

Oh the blessing of a warm shower!

The temps here are at least 10 deg warmer than Bonne Fin.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mike for putting this blog together! I just finished reading it and it's so good to relive some of the unforgetable memories. We truly had a blessed trip. Our trip home was uneventful (compared to the last few days of our week) besides Dr. Weiss's encounters w/ security officers at the PAP airport who couldn't understand why he was taking home a large metal hip prothesis! Guess they don't understand the characteristics of a great souvenir! Hope you have a safe trip home tomorrow. Will be praying for you! ~Jeana
